Monday 21 February 2011

Give galaktoboureko* to the people

Most of us know the phrase "If they have no bread, let them eat cake" that is often attributed to Marie Antoinette, the Queen consort of Louis XVI although there is no evidence for that. According to unapproved sources Marie Antoinette said that phrase when she was informed that the poor French citizens had no bread to eat. Her status quo allowed her to understand little about the plight of the poor [1] and she proposed to give cake to them.

The last 2 year, the financial crisis hit Europe and there are people that have no sources to buy the basic goods that are necessary for their living. Banks bankrupt worldwide and the governments give them money to avoid chain reactions that will destroy the whole financial construction. Greece faces more or less the same difficulties that all the members of the Eurozone suffer from. Portugal, Iceland, Greece and Spain were the first victims of the financial crisis however there are many other countries that try to hide their big problems in order to avoid creating panic to the financial markets, a panic with unpredictable consequences. 

Everyday I read on news that the situation is worse than we can imagine and I fear that in some months Europeans will face the "If they have no bread, let them eat cake" situation. Maybe in Greece the government should say "Give galaktoboureko* to the people" [2] instead of cake because it is more delicious! 

* Galaktoboureko
Find recipe here:

[2] The phrase belongs to Aris, a classmate in SWE.


  1. A link for the recipe is provided just under the image!

  2. Na xame ena diaitis!!!
    Sta agglika pws na to grapsw i wish we had a diet one?

  3. χαχαχαχαχαχα
    "Από το στόμα μου το πήρες" :P
