Thursday 24 February 2011

Over the hill

Well, I cannot really understand what's the meaning of the song. I think that it's about love and a girl that is left alone. Or maybe a person that is old and alone, as the phrase "over-the-hill" is used to declare the past of the youthful vigor. So, I decided to write about what I firstly understand when I read the title of the song which is not related at all with the above. 

Let's imagine that life is a trip with a bicycle. In this trip, unfortunately the road isn't straight and the biggest problem is that the road has a lot of uphills. In uphills, you have to spent a big amount of energy to manage to reach the top of the hill. This effort is awarded by a downhill in which you don't even need to pedal. The bike is moving all alone and now you can enjoy the trip. Until you reach a new uphill and face the new troubles that you have to surpass. It is something like a giant roller coaster which lasts many years, going up and down all the time. But you know that the great effort is awarded. 

Sometimes you get the award really fast. Sometimes it takes many years to grab your award. You think that you are trying but nothing changes. But if you really try and there are no results then a magic hand will push you to ride the hill. If you don't try the result is obvious. The bicycle will go down the hill, but this time backwards. 

And when you reach the top of the hill then a new era begins. Try for this moments. The moments that you are on the top of the hill. Ride with passion your bike over the hill.

PS. The explanation of the real meaning of the song is welcome! 

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