Wednesday 16 February 2011

On the threshold of wisdom

The University of York established in 1963 and it is located in York, UK. This year the Times Higher Education voted UoY as the best university in the United Kingdom. I don't know the criteria for such a decision and I don't care. I have to say that UoY can offer you everything you need in order to become a successful scientist.

If you saw the video [1] before these words then you probably understand what facilities this university offers to the students. I have the opportunity to study at Heslington East, the new campus which was developed this year. The facilities that this campus offer are incredibly thrilling. The new campus is the one showed after the 4:12 of the above video. However, I think I should do a separate tribute to this campus when I have the stuff needed to present it the best way.

Maybe I am not an objective viewer and other universities offer much better goods for their students. I am happy that I study here and I enjoy every second of this marvelous new experience. It is hard because the educational standards are very high. Regarding the computer science department I know that we have the crème de la crème professors around the world. Their upper knowledge in the domain and the fact that they are too approachable inspire you to try harder and harder. To place yourself, as the university's motto says, on the threshold of wisdom!

[1] Property of the "University of York Students Union - YUSU", 2010-2011

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