Friday 18 March 2011

Human vs Nature

River Ouse (18/3 @ 16:30). This photo was taken from Liana.
(Click to enlarge)
I am back after a week break with no blog activity. The last 10 days in York were very difficult as I had to study hard in order to deliver three open assessments for my university course. Today I "escaped" from this hell in which I will return in 2 days to continue with two very difficult assessments.

I am writing this from the York's Starbucks shop located in Coney st. Today, the weather in York is really nice. The sun is shining and the temperature is raised to 10 degrees Celcius. It may sounds strange for the people reading this from Greece, but 10 degrees is thought as warm here. I have nothing in my mind right now as I am really tired. The only thing that I can say is that I am very sad about the Japanese people. They are living a real nightmare.

I hope that this will end soon. Nature proved once again the its powers are unlimited and people should not underestimate them.

Take care!

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