Tuesday 8 March 2011

The perfect balance

I always hear people protest for some bad luck or some lack of capabilities that they may have comparing themselves with others. I don't know anyone that is happy of what he has. We are always be jealous of things that we don't have but we never think of what we possess. I am thinking of that since I was five years old. I remember myself claiming new toys saying to my parents names of my friends that have more toys than me. But, mysteriously I was forgetting the friends of mine that had less toys than I had. In contrast, there are people thinking that they are better than the others. That they have more knowledge, more money, generally more positive characteristics that the others. Two different views that are both wrong.

No one is in better situation than you are and your are not in a better situation that the others are. Trust me. Every single person in this universe has the same amount of positive and negative features in his life. And responsible for that is an unknown power that handles these "resources". Many people call this power "God" while others just "Destiny". I will simply call it "Universe" to avoid any misunderstandings. If you think that you are unlucky because someone seems to have more than you, then have in mind that there are things in everyone's life that are hidden. So you can't judge if he is what he looks or what problems he may have. On the other hand, if you think that someone is not good as you then have in mind that he may have some hidden features that you simply don't know. Always remember that the "Universe" knows everything and it will balance everything. 

But, what's the point of that? Firstly, I want to express that people should be happy of what the "Universe" selected for them because the selection was totally fair. Secondly, there are no people in this planet that are bad or that they are worse than the average. All of us have some positive characteristics. It is your responsibility to find the characteristics of each person that are positive and disregard those that are negative. Have in mind that you are not perfect because no one is. Do you remember the "Universe"? It is responsible for that. It is here to control that no one is perfect. To control that no one is better that the others. To set the perfect balance!

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